Protection of Minors and Vulnerable adults
Missionhurst-CICM’s commitment to the protection of minors impels us to make our communities and places of ministry safe and welcoming environments for all persons, to take action to prevent abuse of the vulnerable, and to respond quickly, compassionately, and with accountability to complaints of abuse lodged against any confrere.
Report Suspected Abuse
Anyone who is a victim or suspects child abuse is strongly encouraged to report the abuse to local law enforcement authorities.
For matters that involve Missionhurst-CICM members, please also report to the Missionhurst’s Victim Assistance Coordinator (VAC) at (571) 982-5902 or by e-mail to VACmhurst@gmail.com. Your call will be handled with the strictest confidentiality.
If you believe there is an incident of child abuse or sexual misconduct, please fill out the form below or return it to the Victim Assistance Coordinator. Should you have any questions or concerns please call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at (571) 982-5902.
For matters of sexual abuse or sexual harassment of adults, please use the same form.
Download the form here: