Dear Friends of the Missionhurst Chapel,
Following the reopening of places in our area that have been closed due to the COVID-19 corona virus, we would like to proceed cautiously to resume Sunday masses at the Chapel following the regulations set by the Arlington Diocese. We considered having mass outside but because of the summer heat, we will have indoor masses only. Evaluating the small size of the chapel and in order to maintain the social distancing of 6 feet, we have put into place the following regulations:
No more than 20 people will be allowed at each mass plus the Celebrant of the mass. In the case of families, the additional number will be counted as part of the 20 so that we can allow the distancing within and behind each pew.
Only one person per pew at opposite ends of each pew so that no one is directly behind another person.
For the time being, in order to allow for more people to attend mass at the chapel, there will be 2 masses each Sunday, one at 9am and the other at 11am.
If you want to enter the chapel, each week you must register a few days beforehand indicating which of the two masses (9 or 11) you want to attend or if you are open to either one of the masses. You can register by calling the office Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm: 703-528-3800 or email: dirprom@missionhurst.org. Once the number of 20 has been reached for each mass, that will be the cut off. If anyone cannot be admitted on one Sunday, we will try to give preference on the following Sunday. Please do not just show up at the door unless you have received confirmation.
Upon entering, masks must be worn throughout each mass. We ask that you bring your own mask, they will not be provided. We will provide hand sanitizer at the door.
At mass communion will be given only in the hand. No receiving from the cup and no kiss of peace.
There will be no singing during mass, however meditative music may be played at certain parts. The missalettes and other books will be removed from the pews.
Hopefully there will be an usher who will guide the people into the chapel to help maintain the social distancing.
The chapel will be disinfected before and after each mass.
The 2 masses will begin on Sunday, June 28th.
It goes without saying that we ask your full cooperation with these regulations. It is different from what we are used to but it is necessary to maintain the safety of all who want to participate at Missionhurst. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
We encourage anyone who is vulnerable to infection or feels ill or is coughing or sneezing frequently to avoid attending. Dispensation from the obligation to attend mass on Sundays is still in place. You can live stream any parish mass or watch mass on TV. Unfortunately we do not have the facility to live stream the Missionhurst mass. You can also check your local parish. Many thanks of your patience and cooperation.