Formation of CICM Missionaries
Young men who want to join us must be willing to make a commitment to the call of Christ: “Go out to the whole world: proclaim the Gospel to all creation.” We offer a solid formation, preparation and training and leads them to a better understanding of the meaning and demands of our religious missionary life.

Being sent to the nations to announce the Good News and working with and for the poor and the non-Christians are at the heart of our identity as Missionaries of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This charism requires our students in formation to live in an international community, to deepen in prayer their communion with God’s will through reading, study of Sacred Scripture, personal and communal prayer, the Eucharist, and to reflect an apostolic life of solidarity with the people. They must develop a spirit of multiculturalism, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue and collaboration with all men and women of goodwill who work for the growth of God’s Kingdom.

Inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ and his Gospel, our missionary spirituality calls us to try to respond to situations of misery, injustice and oppressions and to understand their causes. Our students must develop a commitment to justice, peace and integrity of creation.

In the United States, we only accept candidates who are US citizens and residents.